
Gift Certificates

Ridiculously Rad Gift Certificate

This can be redeemed for up to the purchase price for any session.

MLD Membership

Monthly MLD Cupping 6 month

$10.00 initial setup plus $55.00 per month for 6 months ($340.00 total)
Regular MLD cupping twice per month at your convenience will help you look and feel your best with reduced facial puffiness and opened drains that reduce clogged sinuses.
These quick 30 minute maintenance sessions involve non-marking cups for MLD cupping of face, neck, and upper shoulders only.
Cancel anytime and keep the sessions you have paid for. Our refund policy applies here.

Monthly MLD Cupping 12 month

$10.00 initial setup plus $55.00 per month for 12 months ($670.00 total)
Regular MLD cupping twice per month at your convenience will help you look and feel your best with reduced facial puffiness and opened drains that reduce clogged sinuses.
These quick 30 minute maintenance sessions involve non-marking cups for MLD cupping of face, neck, and upper shoulders only.
Cancel anytime and keep the sessions you have paid for. Our refund policy applies here.

Packaged Sessions

First Acupuncture and Therapeutic Massage Combo

This can be redeemed for (1) First Acupuncture and (1) 1 Hour Therapeutic Massage

Series of Sessions

3 One hour Sessions

3 one hour, 6 half hour, or 2 90 min sessions or whichever equivalent amount equals this same total.

4 One hour Sessions

4 one hour, 8 half hour, or 2 two hour sessions or whichever equivalent amount equals this same total.

6 One hour Sessions

6 one hour, 12 half hour, or 3 two hour sessions or whichever equivalent amount equals this same total.

8 One hour Sessions

8 one hour, 16 half hour, or 4 two hour sessions or whichever equivalent amount equals this same total.

10 One hour Sessions

10 one hour, 20 half hour, or 5 two hour sessions or whichever equivalent amount equals this same total.

12 One hour Sessions

12 one hour, 24 half hour, or 6 two hour sessions or whichever equivalent amount equals this same total.

3 90 minute Sessions

4.5 one hour, 9 half hour, or 3 90 min sessions or whichever equivalent amount equals this same total.

3 Half hour Sessions

1.5 one hour, 3 half hour, or 1 90min sessions or whichever equivalent amount equals this same total.